Friday, 21 August 2015

All about plant nutrients

There are 13 mineral nutrients needed for plants to grow. The mineral nutrients are divided into two groups: macronutrients and micronutrients. You also sometimes see these nutrients divided as primary and secondary nutrients.

Macronutrients are so named because plants use quite a lot of them. The macronutrients are: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). Most of these nutrients must usually be added to the aquarium water because plants use so much of them for growth. Some (like magnesium, sulfur and calcium) are usually present in large amounts in hard water. If you live in a soft water area, you may need to add magnesium, sulfur and calcium to increase the hardness levels of the water and provide these essential nutrients to the plants.

Micronutrients are so named because, while necessary for growth, plants usually require only small amounts of them. The micronutrients are: boron (B), copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), chloride (Cl), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and zinc (Zn).

There are also three non-mineral nutrients required by plants. These are hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and carbon (C).

While some of these nutrients may be present in tapwater, not all are present. Indeed, some municipalities reduce or remove important nutrients at the water processing plant. As an example, most municipal water supplies are very deficient in iron. Soft water areas are deficient in calcium, magnesium and sulfur.

Let's briefly discuss these nutrients and their roles in plant growth.

Nitrogen (N): An essential part of all living cells. Must be present for protein synthesis. Nitrogen is an important part of chlorophyll (the green pigment in plants). Nitrogen is usually provided to plants in the form of nitrate, and is usually deficient in tapwater, where it is considered a contaminant. Aquarium plants require about 5-10 ppm nitrate for adequate growth.

Phosphorus (P): helps convert light into sugars that the plants use to feed, and is an essential component of photosynthesis. Excess phosphorus without adequate light levels can contribute to algae growth. Usually present in adequate amounts in tapwater, and by the addition of fish food to the tank.

Potassium (K): plants require huge amounts of potassium for growth. Important in protein synthesis, and helps plants to metabolize iron. Usually deficient in aquariums. Ideal level varies, but is around 5-10 ppm.

Calcium (Ca): a component of cell wall structure. Helps provide strength to the plant, and helps transport other nutrients throughout the plant. Usually present in adequate quantities in most municipal water areas, where it is responsible for "hard" water.

Magnesium (Mg): A component of chlorophyll. Essential to the transport of iron in the plant. May be present in adequate quantities in hard water areas; is probably deficient in softer water areas.

Sulfur (S): Helps in chlorophyll production. Essential for healthy root growth. Stimulates rapid plant growth. Usually deficient in all but the hardest water areas.

Boron (B): Essential for the regulation of other nutrients. Helps the plant produce sugars and starches. Very small amounts required.

Copper (Cu): Essential for the plant to reproduce. Helps stimulate the production of proteins.

Chloride (Cl): Plays a role in plant metabolization of other nutrients. Usually present in chlorinated water (dechlorinators convert Chlorine into a salt of chloride). May be deficient in well water or deionized water.

Iron (Fe): absolutely essential for plant growth, and usually deficient in all municipal water. Must be present for the manufacture of chlorophyll. Without adequate iron (about 0.1 to 0.5 ppm), plants will yellow and fail to produce dark green growth.

Manganese (Mn): important nutrient that helps the plant digest starches and nitrogen, thus helps the plant to use other minerals. A deficiency may actually show up as a deficiency in one of the other nutrients, such as iron (yellowing leaves).

Molybdenum (Mo): assists the plant to metabolize nitrogen. Very tiny amounts required to maintain plant health.

Zinc (Zn): Essential for carbohydrate metabolization. Helps regulate plant growth.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Is Emersed growth plant or submersed growth plants are best

If we have to choose either one of them, we recommend you to purchase the
plant in emersed form and grow it in the aquarium to develop submersed leaves,
since it is easier for the plant to adapt to the aquarium environment and
therefore the risk of unsuccessful growth is minimized.

In general, submersed leaves can easily get damaged during transportation and
they may often be unable to adapt to the changing environment.  The submersed
leaves grown from a plant in emersed form usually grow vigorously because of
the plant's nature to keep up with the sudden change in environment.
Furthermore, the chance of having the trouble of a melted bottom stem is lower
in the emersed form of stemmed plants.  When you use imported aquatic plants
sold in emersed form, you have to be careful of residual pesticide.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

How to grow Aquarium Moss

Nutrient-enriched water is suspected if the willow moss turns blackish, or
brown-colored rhizoids are growing.  One cause of these problems is worsened
water contamination due to the deterioration of water quality caused by
overfeeding or insufficient filtration capacity.  Besides this, a rise in water
temperature can also be one of the causes.All aquatic moss which prefers a clean stream.  Its appearance will thus be better if it is grown in
low-temperature water with low nutrient content.  Some measures to improve such
problems are to cut off all the blackened willow moss; change the aquarium water
more frequently to lower the nutrient content of the water, and absorb and get
rid of excessive nutrients by using Activated Carbon with its high absorption capacity as the filter media. Then, wait for new leaves
to develop.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Planted aquarium in chennai

Evolution of planted aquarium in chennai:

Guide for aquarium plant fertilizer

The composition of nutrients is conveniently divided into macro and micro nutrients. Macro nutrients are needed in larger quantities while micro nutrients are sufficient in smaller quantities.

Macro nutrients are calcium, sulfates, phosphates, potassium, chloride, sodium, nitrogen and magnesium. These nutrients are provided by fish and fish food in ample supply. Macro nutrients do not need to be added frequently, if at all, as they will be mostly replenished through water changes.

Essential micro nutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc, boron, copper, cobalt, and molybdenum on the other hand have to be added frequently. The main function of these nutrients is the promotion of growth hormones, photosynthesis, cell development, plant metabolism, and nitrogen assimilation.

The assumption that plants take on most nutrients through their leaves is incorrect. Leafs absorb CO2 and release oxygen. Essential nutrients such as iron, phosphates and nitrogen are readily absorbed by the roots under anoxic conditions found in the substrate.

Plant fertilizers are available as liquid or substrate fertilizers. Both should only contain the micro nutrients. Liquid fertilizers have to be dosed more frequently; substrate fertilizers will last longer. Since there are no obvious differences in efficiency, it is up to the aquarists’ preference which to use.

Next to the micro nutrients, fertilizers contain chelating agents. Chelation is an organic molecule which binds metal ions thus protecting them from early precipitation. The preferred type is abbreviated DTPA because of its stability up to a pH level of 7.5

Unfortunately some fertilizers contain the chelating agent EDTA, which is much cheaper. However chelate EDTA is only stable at a pH up to 6.0 and therefore mostly useless in aquariums.

Another important yet often overlooked aspect in using fertilizers is water conditioners. Many conditioners eliminate heavy metals and since many micro nutrients are metals, plants can be deprived of essential nutrients despite the frequent addition. Fertilizers can be made at home or bought commercially. The home version is known as ‘poor man’s dupla drops’ (PMDD)* relying on the following ingredients

2 Teaspoons potassium sulfate
1 Teaspoon potassium nitrate
2.5 Tablespoon magnesium sulfate
1 Tablespoon chelated trace elements mix

The trace element mix should preferably contain DTPA chelated Fe (7%) B (1.3%) Mn (2%) Mo (0.06% Zn (0.4%) Cu (0.1%)**

Mixed with 1.5 cups of distilled water, the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

The required dosage varies depending on plant quantity, growth levels and aquarium size. The correct amount has to be determined by trial and error i.e. starting with a few drops per 40 LITRE while monitoring the iron and nitrate concentration. Iron should be around 0.1 ppm; lower levels also indicate the depletion of the other trace elements. Nitrates should be kept around 5 ppm. Nutrient deficiencies are described in detail in our plant health guide.

Adding fertilizers to promote aquatic plant growth should only be considered in medium to heavily planted aquariums. A few plants should do fine without.

* Ingredients can be obtained at OUR GALLERY

#The above is the basic fertilisation methods, in future blog we will discuss about Estimated index methods of dosing

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Tips to grow Hemianthus calitrichooide 'CUBA' successfully

 It is relatively hard to plant Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba" and it takes
a longer time for it to take root because of its short roots.  Hemianthus
callitrichoides "cuba", a plant that prefers slightly alkaline, medium-hard water,
 is often found decayed just a few days after it is planted in an aquarium using commercial soil, which makes the aquarium water soft and acidic.  The decay is caused by
such a water quality problem, combined with the damage caused to the plant during
the planting process.  You have to be prepared, to a certain extent, for the loss
of plants after the initial planting work.  To minimize this, you can try the
following planting method designed for reducing the damage caused to the plants
and therefore minimizing the loss of plants.
Firstly, use very fine granules of 0.5 mm to 1 mm granule soil type to hold the thin, short roots of Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba" more tightly and effectively. 
Secondly, plant Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba" a little deeper until its leaves can barely be seen.  This planting method can help Hemianthus
callitrichoides "cuba" to take root easily and develop more new leaves.
The critical period for the planting of Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba" lasts until it takes root.  If the leaves fade or decay, it is advisable to trim off
the affected part of the plant immediately and replant only the healthy, dark-colored part around the terminal bud in the substrate.

Thursday, 6 August 2015


Planted aquarium general maintenance
1) Changing approx. 25% of the water every week prevents the accumulation of hazardous substances in the aquarium and limits the algae growth.

2) Waste products in the form of dead plant matter etc. should be removed as soon as possible. Their breakdown uses oxygen and produces nutrients that destroys the balance and promotes algae growth.

3) Check the aquarium equipment regularly in order to make sure that any faults and defects will be rectified and that a stable environment will be maintained.

4) The plant growth is now in full swing and a liquid fertiliser has to be added. Start carefully and with a dose smaller than the recommended. Increase the dose gradually according to the plants' reaction to the fertiliser. A good rule of thumb is that leaves or plants become lighter/transparent when they lack fertiliser.

5) Check for algae on a regular basis. The first sign is unclear water, accumulations on the glass, leaves or decorative materials, or possibly fine threads. If the algae become visible, it will be much more difficult to suppress them! Algae are reduced by changing the water, reducing the amount of fertiliser, introducing more fast-growing plants and algae-eaters.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Time for Introducing fish in planted aquarium

In the case where a new aquarium was set up using brand-new filter media, fish should be added after three to four weeks when the environment within the tank is stabilized and aquatic plants grow almost up to the water's surface.
If an existing filter media already colonized with bacteria is used, it is possible to add fish to the aquarium when ammonia is no longer generated, i.e., about one week after the setup, as long as no algae is observed in the tank.

It is advised to add fish in about two phases, since the balanced self-purification process within the tank can be affected by adding a large
number of fish at the same time.  You might want to add fish as soon as possible once the planted aquarium is done, but it is, for the sake of fish,
better for you to wait until the environment is adequately stabilized (i.e., the condition in which water is clear and sparkling, no algal growth is
observed and aquatic plants grow lush and healthy).
Keep in mind that overpopulation of fish must be avoided to prevent growth of algae.  Adding a relatively small number of fish and feeding easily
digestible and absorbable food  are a key to
maintaining a beautiful planted aquarium.

Sunday, 2 August 2015


The control and removal of algae is certainly one of the serious issues we have
to deal with when taking care of planted aquariums.  There are many different
types of algae; each type has its own growth pattern and requires a special
attention using the most suitable method of removal.

-Green algae on glass surfaces

They are most commonly seen on the inside walls of aquarium tanks.  Green algae
develop during the initial installation period of an aquarium as well as on the
glass surface and white diffusion filter of Co2 diffusers in a mature aquarium.

Remove the algae growing on aquarium tank walls with a shaving blade, and then
change the aquarium water.  When you use a shaving blade near the substrate area of
the layout, be cautious not to let sand get in between the blade and the glass
surface.  Otherwise the sand scratches the glass surface and leave ugly scratch
marks as you move the blade.
You can remove green algae accumulated on the diffusion filter of a Co2 diffusers
with bleach,

- Beard algae on Anubias

Slow-growing aquatic plants are more vulnerable to the algae problem than the
fast growing kinds.  A group of plants in the Anubias family is a good example.
When diatom algae, which are often seen on Anubias' leaf surfaces during the
initial aquarium installation period, are not removed properly, green algae
may start spreading over the diatom algae.  In case a large amount of beard
algae grows around leaf margins of Anubias, apply dilute hydrogen peroxide solution
using a painting brush.
*Do NOT apply hydrogen peroxide to any other aquatic plants.

- Black beard algae on layout stones and driftwood

Black and tough beard-like algae growing on stones and driftwood can be seen
in the aquarium with a high nitrate level.  Please pay close attention and
take care of them before they become unmanageable.
After scraping off algae with hard tooth brush, release Siamese Flying Fox and
Caridina babuati in the aquarium.  If the condition is critical, remove
water from the aquarium, and cover the affected area of stones / driftwood
with a paper towel, soaked with several drops of hydrogen peroxide , overnight.
Then, fill the aquarium with water in a usual manner.

- Foul smelling blue-green algae covering over the undergrowth

They are considered as a type of Cyanobacteria, easily caused by excess
nutrients in the aquarium water.  They are also found in places, such as
densely-growing undergrowth of aquatic plants, where water flow hardly passes
through.  If you see them in your planted aquarium, you must act quickly as
they spread over so fast!
Suck out blue-green algae using a small hose, and sprinkle Beneficial bacteria over
the area.  Then release some Black Molly in the aquarium.

If you experience an outbreak of algae in your aquarium, you might be
over-feeding your fish.  Uneaten, left over fish food is an excellent food
source for algae growth because it causes excess nutrients in the water.
Watch fish carefully every time you feed them and adjust their servings.
Uneaten food should be removed from the aquarium after each feeding session
to minimize water contamination. 

Algae control using invertebrates

We  recommends the use of Caridina babuati (wood shrimp), Otocinclus and
Siamese Flying Fox for algae control.

Tips to purchase aquatic plants

Tips when you purchase aquatic plants

If we have to choose either one of them, we recommend you to purchase the
plant in emersed form and grow it in the aquarium to develop submersed leaves,
since it is easier for the plant to adapt to the aquarium environment and
therefore the risk of unsuccessful growth is minimized.

In general, submersed leaves can easily get damaged during transportation and
they may often be unable to adapt to the changing environment.  The submersed
leaves grown from a plant in emersed form usually grow vigorously because of
the plant's nature to keep up with the sudden change in environment.
Furthermore, the chance of having the trouble of a melted bottom stem is lower
in the emersed form of stemmed plants.  When you use imported aquatic plants
sold in emersed form, you have to be careful of residual pesticide.

Saturday, 1 August 2015


As you know, aquatic plants perform photosynthesis using light and carbon
dioxide during the day while they respire at night by taking in oxygen and
releasing carbon dioxide. Particularly in a planted aquarium with a lot of stem
plants, the oxygen consumption by the plants during their respiration process
at night is high and this may cause lack of oxygen to the shrimps and fish.
In the case of an excessively low oxygen level, it can be observed that the
shrimps are inactive near the water surface. A lower dissolved oxygen level at
night also leads to an extremely low oxygen level within the filter, which
affects the beneficial bacteria in it. As a result, the balanced environment in
the tank will eventually be lost resulting in slightly cloudy water and
excessive algal growth. To avoid such a situation, it is advisable to perform
aeration during night for the planted aquarium.

How to grow red stem plants successfully in planted aquarium

Red stem plants are regarded as difficult to grow for the following reasons:
1. Red stem plants prefer mildly-acidic soft water.
2. Requires high light conditions and accordingly, sufficient CO2 injection.
3. Requires continuous iron supplementation to maintain the plant's leaf color.
When we make diy substrate sand  as the main substrate material,
it is difficult to prepare and maintain mildly-acidic soft water.
In addition to this, growing red stem plants was also a tough job because these plants are
demanding in terms of light, CO2 and nutrient conditions. Now, it is no longer
very difficult since the water quality issue can be resolved by the use of commercially available planted aquarium soil  like ADA AQUASOIL, PLATINUM SOIL, with which you can have mildly-acidic aquarium water just by placing
it on the substrate. Among red stem plants, Rotala Macranda is one of the most
difficult species. It is because the plant very often melts and wilts except
the terminal bud portion if the plant is sold in poor condition; and it is
therefore very hard for it to develop submersed leaves adapted to the aquarium
environment. Pogostemon stellatus and Gratiola sp. have vivid red tint when
grown under high light condition and supplemented with IRON or other types of
additives containing rich iron, but they lose their beautiful red color
significantly with low light or insufficient iron supplementation.  If you
wish to maintain the red color of stem plants, you need to add iron
supplements on a continual basis.

Friday, 31 July 2015

Beginner's guidance for better planted aquarium

Planted AQUA SOIL  has the great feature of promoting the growth of aquatic
plants because it contains rich organic nutrients.  These organic nutrients
serve as a source of nutrition for aquatic plants but at the same time, it can
contaminate the aquarium water if they are excessively present in the water.

During the initial stage of an aquarium when the filtration system is still
new and aquatic plants are just planted, the water easily gets dirty because
the amount of organic matter released from planted  Aqua Soil is more than the
amount being broken down by microorganisms and absorbed by aquatic plants.
Therefore, it is very important to change the aquarium water with the intent to
get rid of excess organic matter. Particularly in the first week after the
setup of the aquarium, it is advised to change 1/2 to 1/3 of the aquarium water
daily.  In the second week, it is preferable to change the aquarium water at
the frequency of once every two days.  If this pattern of water change cannot
be achieved, the aquarium water should be changed as close as possible to the
frequency of the pattern mentioned.

Water change during the first two to three weeks from the initial setup of
the aquarium is a key to a successful planted aquarium.  The efforts made
during this period will be rewarded in the form of healthily grown aquatic
plants.For planted aquarium materials

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Aquarium Professionals help you aquarium maintenance in chennai

For 5+ years we have specialized in aquarium maintenance.  We are experts and will maintain  your fish & aquarium with great care. We provide Aquarium Maintenance for freshwater or salt water tanks in homes or business with affordable price . We provide aquarium cleaning, aquarium maintenance and aquarium installation using our own fleet of vehicles to most places  in Chennai

Freshwater Aquarium & Marine Aquarium Cleaning andMaintenance Programs Includes:
Weekly, bi-monthly, & monthly cleaning /maintenance for your  residence & businesses with flexible contracts.
Aquarium cleaning and maintenance service includes a health check on all tank fish, all necessary water tests and water changes, tank cleaning inside & out, complete filter cleaning  changing.

Small planted aquarium

Many of us think having a planted aquarium will burn our pocket,  absolutely not. We  provide you best in class nano planted aquariums which starts from 13 inch size aquarium, which can suite for your office reception, small residents, appartmentm It will never occupy space, can be kept on reception table, side table, tea poys, even on shoe racks. The package includes An imported aquarium, imported planted aquarium soil,  filtration, lighting system, tetra fish, shrimps, assasin snails, food bottle, medication kit. The pics are all nano planted aquariums made by us. All planted aquarium pics shown are done by us, no pic is belong to anybody else or internet pics.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

NANO planted aquariums in chennai

We Aquarium Professionals provide best in class planted aquarium for your office and residential premises. Watching an underwater landscape will reduce your stress, heals hypertension and gives aesthetic look to your premises. We have launched nano planted which is cost effective starts from rupees 3000, which includes a imported nano aquarium with led light fixture, filter,  planted substarte, plants,  few fish. The planted aquarium pic we have uploaded all are designed by us and original. No internet pics and other person design

Monday, 13 July 2015

Planted aquarium professionals

Hi to all we aquarium professionals provide you aquarium maintenance service and planted aquarium settings in and around chennai, having just anaquarium without any decor will not be a best showcase to your home or office premises,  we make your ordinary aquarium in to a natural scenary, wild forest theme with natural plants,  we have a speacial gallery and learning center to know what is planted aquarium. We also guide you in setting up planted aquarium by yourself. As DIY.
You might think having a planted aquarium is little expensive, thats not true, we provide you nano planted aquariums which are worth it and will not burn your pocket. The pics we have provided here are all made by us at our client places. Please come and visit our gallery to know about planted aquarium. Its pleasure to say we have tie up with major aquatic plants farms India and abroad. Call us to know more about planted aquarium and for aquarium maintenance

Aquarium designing and maintenance

We design constructed many types of aquarium
Planted aquarium
Chiclid aquarium
Nature aquarium
Gold fish aquarium
Koi ponds
Table top aquarium
Biotope aquarium
Wall Mount plasma aquarium

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Making scape with aquarium plants gives you a perfect planted aquarium

Creating planted aquarium with good scape needs a lot of effort,
At first we need  to select what theme we need to create for example a valley, a river bed or a savanna theme or jungle bush.
After selecting the theme for planted aquarium,  we have to concentrate on the hardscape material which suites the theme, selection of hardscape is very important thing in planted aquarium.
After selection placing them in appropriate position to suit the golden ratio.
Now the basic ideology of the scape is ready and choose appropriate plants and plant them.

Thursday, 18 June 2015


we Aquarium professionals are a manufacturer of custom aquariums, focusing on the highest of quality and customer satisfaction.

If you are looking for a quality aquarium then we at Aquarium Professionals will take all the time necessary to listen to your needs, to answer your questions and to give advice and recommendations.

eight years experience has enabled Aquarium Professionals to provide the highest quality aquariums at competitive prices.

Aquarium Professionals , equipped with high tech glass cutting and assembly equipment, can deliver you high quality standard or bespoke aquariums with cabinets. Our custom fish tanks are manufactured from float glass that exceeds all safety requirements.

All aquariums are assembled with sliding condensation covers and glued using high modulus aquarium silicone

All our fish tanks come with the following as standard:

- one year guarantee
- Polished glass edges
- Your choice of silicone colour – Clear or Black

Aquarium Cabinets can also be made in :

- MDF faced with a real wood veneer.
- Real wood ( Solid wood)
- High Gloss
- Metal / steel frame

All of our products are manufactured by ourselves and are made to meet the highest industry standards. We guarantee you will be satisfied with the quality of our craftsmanship!
check for aquarium photos
How to Order
Aquarium Professionals Guarantee

The benefits given to the purchase by the Aquarium Professionals  guarantee are addition to all other rights and remedies which the purchaser has in respect of the equipment under the legislation of the appropriate country of purchase.

This guarantee covers glass fish tank only, not the products made from wood (cabinet, lid etc.) and plastic (pipework).
You must provide proof of purchase (invoice) when you submit your equipment for repair under guarantee.

This guarantee covers the aquarium against leakage.
Guarantee is valid for oneyears and is effective from the date of delivery/collection.
Note: for this guarantee to be valid the tank must be placed on the polystyrene base provided.

Guarantee does not cover

Glass breakage.
Consumables such as lamps, bulbs, tubes, starters, heaters and etc.
Pipework and plumbing.
Equipment failures caused by misuse, neglect, normal wear and tear, accidental breakage, lightning strikes, mains voltage fluctuation, earthquakes, vermin infestation or liquid spillage.
Aquarium Professionals  will not be responsible for any damages if the aquarium has been abused or mishandled, subjected to physical use and abuse so as to cause leaks in the aquarium.
Damages brought about by use of any stands aside from the recommended aquarium stands that provide full and solid support to the entire bottom of the aquarium, scratches and crazing caused by use of cleaning material, and repairs by anyone other than the manufacturers.
Uneven floors.Aquarium Professionals are NOT responsible for uneven floors! Please seek the advice from a reputable builder!
Change of mind. We make these aquariums to order so please make sure you really do want one.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Why planted aquarium

Aquarium Professionals specialize in aquarium plants and aquascaping products. We stock a wide range of high quality aquatic plants that are sourced from superb  producers. We're confident you'll be impressed with the quality of our plants. So much that we guarantee your plants to arrive fresh and healthy, or your money back. What you see in our pictures is what you can expect to receive.​

We hold our plants in a very similar way to our producers, ensuring a your receive high quality product every time.

We pride ourselves on our customer service and value your custom. Our aim is to provide a service second to none so that we can look forward to repeat business.

✔ Algae free Plants - we hold our plants emersed so theres no worry of algae!​

✔ Shrimp Friendly - no pesticides/chemicals have been used at any point making them safe for shrimp.

✔ Highe Quality - All our plants come from top quality  producers so you know you're getting the best! Because we hold them just like our producers do, the quality is superb. All plants are fully rooted which helps them get of to a better start in your aquarium.

✔ Expert Advise - If you have any questions about our plants or planted aquariums, do not hesitate to contact us. We are planted aquarium enthusiasts and happy to help.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Planted aquarium

Planted aquarium
The planted aquarium is growing aquatic plants in the aquarium with good scape look like naturein the wild, mainly they resembles landscape, mountain, etc, we bring nature close to you by providing besting class planted aquarium
We provide you planted aquarium in chennai.
AQUARIUM in Chennai
Contact us on 9444260414 for Planted aquarium setups in chennai

Monday, 15 June 2015

All kind of aquarium designing in chennai

Planted aquariums,  marine aquarium,  all types of aquarium Chennai
Our dedicated team offers professional, ongoing maintenance service of the highest standard.

In order to develop any tank perfectly, it must be delicately nurtured and patiently matured. Good aquarium maintenance will result in a healthy aquatic environment. Our team is dedicated to overseeing this ongoing process.

The service allows clients to enjoy the outstanding beauty of an aquarium regardless of their busy lifestyle. Our aquarium cleaning service is tailor-made to individual clients, ensuring a continually flourishing aquarium.

During the visits our specialists will evaluate the  overall condition and appearance of the fish and other aquatic inhabitants and will perform different tests to ensure the tank’s stability. Water changes and gravel vacuuming are performed to keep a healthy environment along with the maintenance of the equipment.


A bespoke fish tank cleaning service with 24hr emergency call out
Livestock and dry goods supply
Complete redesign and aquascaping of existing aquaria
On and off-site computer monitoring of water parameters
Aquarium removal services
Training and education on fish tank maintenance
Please see below for an insight into our packages.
Clean all interior and exterior surfaces and accessories (glass/acrylic, trim/woodwork, lids, feeders etc).

Hydro vac gravel/substrate, 15% minimum water change, 30% average.

Check/replace chemical filtration media.

Check and clean additional equipment such as UV sterilisers, protein skimmers etc.

Replace broken or worn parts.

Check water quality.

Clean/exchange rocks, plants, coral etc.

Visual health and stock check.

Aquarium Professionals maintenance in cover the whole of the Chennai and Tamilnadu

Aquarium Experts has many years of experience
Maintenance of visual presentation of aquarium(s)
On each visit the aquarium will receive a full clean to remove all marks, debris, and algae from inside including a full vacuuming of the gravel.

Servicing of Filtration, lighting and heating systems
To ensure the smooth running, all the equipment associated with aquariums will be serviced and cleaned on each visit. Also all settings and the functioning of the equipment are checked before leaving.

Monitoring and partial water changing
Toxins and filter by-products build up in the water within the aquarium. During each visit a water change will be carried out to dilute these levels and introduce fresh water plus nutrients.

Guarantee and replacement service for equipment, accessories, and livestock
Any deceased livestock that is removed will be replaced on the next visit free of charge! We may also remove any unhealthy livestock if necessary. The only other time we remove livestock from the aquarium is if they grow too large for their environment. In which case smaller specimens will be introduced in their place. We also guarantee to replace any faulty equipment associated with the aquarium that we installe

Administration of all medications and treatments
Any livestock requiring medication will be treated and monitored. For more serious conditions livestock will be removed from the aquarium for more intensive treatment and replaced free of charge.

Ongoing supply of fish food
Where required and where compatible, aquariums are supplied with automatic feeders and are refilled every month to ensure livestock are well fed. Where it is not possible to install these feeders or where they are not required, daily food portions will be provided.
Our aim is to take care of all the unpleasant jobs around keeping an aquarium and just allow you to sit back and enjoy the aquarium.

We take care of all the water changes, water tests, algae cleaning and keep the aquascape looking nice and presentable. We offer service as a once off offering, or on an ongoing agreement to keep the aquarium or fish tank maintained.

We also can be called on for emergency callouts in the event of an issue with your aquarium.

Aquarium installations and setting in chennai

Aquarium Professionals  have created some of the most stylish and outstanding custom bespoke built aquariums and fish tanks in and around chennai , working to the exacting standards of architects, designers and professionals. We draw on over 8 years of expertise in designing and installing aquariums, with over 500 custom aquarium installations under our supervision and an exclusive client list, we are the Indias  leading experts in aquarium design.
You will see our work in landmark buildings, stores, restaurants, offices, stylish homes and gardens in Chennai city

We undertake commissions of all sizes, from large commercial developments to small domestic aquariums and ponds. Private homes to international headquarters and each solution is completed to the highest professional standard.

We can help you develop the concept to something that not only looks amazing but will work at the intended location dealing with the complexities of large volumes of water and the weights involved. We work to the exacting standards demanded of architects, designers,  delivering on time and within your budget.

Our Key points in Design ensures a personal flexible professional service delivered within timely delivery
Initial consultation with clients, financial forecasting and budget planning, project management and advice, site study, architectural planning/drawing and site planning.

Tailored aquascaping to suit the environment, client vision and aesthetics
We deal with all the Lighting, plumbing and filtration system installation using the very latest in equipment and aquatic technology. Introduction of Livestock and ongoing professional maintenance with on and off site water monitoring and analysis systems.

We are the best  in Aquarium installation and maintenance in chennai. Whatever your requirements we’ll be able to realise your vision. If you have a project which requires an aquarium or pond installation please call  our Office: 9444260414  for free advice on how it might be taken forward.

Our installations range from the simplest Goldfish Bowl or Small Desk Top Aquarium, planted aquarium, marine aquarium   to enormous giant Aquariums

We undertake commissions of all sizes, from large commercial developments to small domestic aquariums and ponds. Private homes to international headquarters and each solution is completed to the highest professional standard.
Think about aquarium setting in chennai,  it's Aquarium Professionals.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Aquarium manufacturer in chennai

we Aquarium professionals are a manufacturer of custom aquariums, focusing on the highest of quality and customer satisfaction.
If you are looking for a quality aquarium then we at Aquarium Professionals  will take all the time necessary to listen to your needs, to answer your questions and to give advice and recommendations.

Eight years experience has enabled Aquarium Professionals to provide the highest quality aquariums at competitive prices.

Aquarium Professionals , equipped with high tech glass cutting and assembly equipment, can deliver you high quality standard or bespoke aquariums with cabinets. Our custom fish tanks are manufactured from float glass that exceeds all safety requirements.

All aquariums are assembled with sliding condensation covers and glued using high modulus aquarium silicone

All our fish tanks come with the following as standard:
- one year guarantee
- Polished glass edges
- Your choice of silicone colour – Clear or Black

Planted aquarium in chennai

Aquarium Professionals is in this business of setting up planted aquarium in chennai for more than 4 years. Over the last year we have improved our techniques and client services to higher standards. Our sole motive is to bring nature closer to the people.

We take care of total construction and maintenance of Freshwater planted aquariums and Marine Aquariums, Terrariums and Ponds. Our setups are guaranteed to be long lasting. We mainly concentrate on theme based setups according to our client’s interests. We have clients nation wide and abroad who come to us essentially for our works of art. We have constructed two public aquariums in Chennai and Mumbai. We do both residential and commercial setups.

We produce our own aquarium products and plants under the brand name Soleil and also import various exotic species of fishes, medicines and plants if necessary. Our aqua-scaping also complies with Vastu Shastra.