Sunday, 9 August 2015

Tips to grow Hemianthus calitrichooide 'CUBA' successfully

 It is relatively hard to plant Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba" and it takes
a longer time for it to take root because of its short roots.  Hemianthus
callitrichoides "cuba", a plant that prefers slightly alkaline, medium-hard water,
 is often found decayed just a few days after it is planted in an aquarium using commercial soil, which makes the aquarium water soft and acidic.  The decay is caused by
such a water quality problem, combined with the damage caused to the plant during
the planting process.  You have to be prepared, to a certain extent, for the loss
of plants after the initial planting work.  To minimize this, you can try the
following planting method designed for reducing the damage caused to the plants
and therefore minimizing the loss of plants.
Firstly, use very fine granules of 0.5 mm to 1 mm granule soil type to hold the thin, short roots of Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba" more tightly and effectively. 
Secondly, plant Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba" a little deeper until its leaves can barely be seen.  This planting method can help Hemianthus
callitrichoides "cuba" to take root easily and develop more new leaves.
The critical period for the planting of Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba" lasts until it takes root.  If the leaves fade or decay, it is advisable to trim off
the affected part of the plant immediately and replant only the healthy, dark-colored part around the terminal bud in the substrate.


  1. Even I had the experience while starting with Cuba, it would be great if u specify the soil best suited and light availability based on chennai

  2. Even I had the experience while starting with Cuba, it would be great if u specify the soil best suited and light availability based on chennai

  3. The basic temperature should be 24-26 degree, soil preferable - Ada amazonia aquasoil powder, platinum soilor even fine granules of 1mm to 2 mm washed river sand with base diy substrate

  4. interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you
