Monday, 15 June 2015

All kind of aquarium designing in chennai

Planted aquariums,  marine aquarium,  all types of aquarium Chennai
Our dedicated team offers professional, ongoing maintenance service of the highest standard.

In order to develop any tank perfectly, it must be delicately nurtured and patiently matured. Good aquarium maintenance will result in a healthy aquatic environment. Our team is dedicated to overseeing this ongoing process.

The service allows clients to enjoy the outstanding beauty of an aquarium regardless of their busy lifestyle. Our aquarium cleaning service is tailor-made to individual clients, ensuring a continually flourishing aquarium.

During the visits our specialists will evaluate the  overall condition and appearance of the fish and other aquatic inhabitants and will perform different tests to ensure the tank’s stability. Water changes and gravel vacuuming are performed to keep a healthy environment along with the maintenance of the equipment.


A bespoke fish tank cleaning service with 24hr emergency call out
Livestock and dry goods supply
Complete redesign and aquascaping of existing aquaria
On and off-site computer monitoring of water parameters
Aquarium removal services
Training and education on fish tank maintenance
Please see below for an insight into our packages.
Clean all interior and exterior surfaces and accessories (glass/acrylic, trim/woodwork, lids, feeders etc).

Hydro vac gravel/substrate, 15% minimum water change, 30% average.

Check/replace chemical filtration media.

Check and clean additional equipment such as UV sterilisers, protein skimmers etc.

Replace broken or worn parts.

Check water quality.

Clean/exchange rocks, plants, coral etc.

Visual health and stock check.

Aquarium Professionals maintenance in cover the whole of the Chennai and Tamilnadu

Aquarium Experts has many years of experience
Maintenance of visual presentation of aquarium(s)
On each visit the aquarium will receive a full clean to remove all marks, debris, and algae from inside including a full vacuuming of the gravel.

Servicing of Filtration, lighting and heating systems
To ensure the smooth running, all the equipment associated with aquariums will be serviced and cleaned on each visit. Also all settings and the functioning of the equipment are checked before leaving.

Monitoring and partial water changing
Toxins and filter by-products build up in the water within the aquarium. During each visit a water change will be carried out to dilute these levels and introduce fresh water plus nutrients.

Guarantee and replacement service for equipment, accessories, and livestock
Any deceased livestock that is removed will be replaced on the next visit free of charge! We may also remove any unhealthy livestock if necessary. The only other time we remove livestock from the aquarium is if they grow too large for their environment. In which case smaller specimens will be introduced in their place. We also guarantee to replace any faulty equipment associated with the aquarium that we installe

Administration of all medications and treatments
Any livestock requiring medication will be treated and monitored. For more serious conditions livestock will be removed from the aquarium for more intensive treatment and replaced free of charge.

Ongoing supply of fish food
Where required and where compatible, aquariums are supplied with automatic feeders and are refilled every month to ensure livestock are well fed. Where it is not possible to install these feeders or where they are not required, daily food portions will be provided.
Our aim is to take care of all the unpleasant jobs around keeping an aquarium and just allow you to sit back and enjoy the aquarium.

We take care of all the water changes, water tests, algae cleaning and keep the aquascape looking nice and presentable. We offer service as a once off offering, or on an ongoing agreement to keep the aquarium or fish tank maintained.

We also can be called on for emergency callouts in the event of an issue with your aquarium.

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